(Palm Pictures PALMD-3039) 2001.
This is a 2xDVD / 4xVHS release of Ken Burns' four-part PBS TV series of the same name. The show, which provides an overview of the development of 'American Roots' music over the years, intersperses talking head commentary and old/new clips of performances and archive film. Musically it covers quite a wide range of music from country, old-time, blues, ragtime, folk, cajun, zydeco, gospel, tejano and native american styles.
Towards the end of the 4th episode, the video includes part of a live version of Little Maggie which Ralph recorded at the 'Museum Of Appalachia's Tennessee Fall Homecoming' festival in Norris, Tennessee on 12th Oct. 2000. The audio for the complete song can be found on the 4xCD companion release, but it's nothing particularly special.
Ralph also pops up briefly on the video as one of the talking heads, with more or less one liner responses about:- singing in the church; the Carter Family and the impact of bluegrass festivals.
In addition to the 2xDVD / 4xVHS set, there was also a single CD of highlights, the aforementioned 4xCD set and a book.
Thanks to Todd Gracyk for the heads up on this one!